

福特汽車公司的SWOT矩陣分析 在福特公司的外部環(huán)境分析的基礎上,可以得出以下的SWOT矩陣分析: 1. 優(yōu)勢 (1)福特是世界上第二大小汽車和卡車的生產商。 (2)1988年,福特公司收益達到歷史最高水平(53億美元,即每股10.96美元),也是所有汽車公司中最高的。 (3)福特的大規(guī)模生產能力使其達到了規(guī)模經濟。 (4)福特公司的業(yè)務組合平衡得很好,其金融服務及產品生產的多樣化能使其承受汽車銷售的任何下降趨勢。 (5)福特公司實施縱向一體化戰(zhàn)略,集團中如福特玻璃公司生產了福特在北美的小汽車和卡車所用的全部玻璃,福特信貸公司在1988年為160萬輛車提供資金并為分銷商和大眾消費者提供信貸。 (6)福特公司成功地與外國公司合資經營使產品多樣化,更新了技術并提高了產品質量。 (7)通過與馬自達和日產公司的合作,福特公司降低了成本并提高了質量。 (8)多數福特公司的產品設計與生產都借助了計算機輔助設計(CAD)和計算機輔助制造(CAM)。 2. 劣勢 (1)與日本競爭者相比,福特公司更多地把收益花費在了養(yǎng)老金、補償救濟金等方面。 (2)福特并沒有在生產中全部采用機器人和其它的高精尖技術。 (3)福特不得不出口產品以達到政府的規(guī)定,技術上還沒有能達到每加侖27.5英里的燃油效率標準。法律上,汽車的國產化率低于75%被認為是進口產品。 3. 機會 (1)在日本有一生產廠。 (2)在汽車的生產和分銷方面有降低成本的辦法,稱為阿爾發(fā)工程。 (3)為符合凈化空氣的提議而生產替代燃料的汽車。 (4)在重新建立的產品質量方面獲益,“質量第一”。 (5)借助技術和整體的努力而使合資企業(yè)達到質量最佳。 (6)歐洲經濟統一使全球市場潛力增大。 4. 威脅 (1)進口車占有了很大的市場份額。 (2)汽車行業(yè)銷售緩慢 (3)日元與美元的匯率 (4)日本的廠商打入豪華車市場 (5)日益增加的政府限制 (6)美國經濟的下滑或可能的衰退。
提問者:網友 2017-01-06
Ford Motor Company SWOT Analysis Matrix External environment in the Ford based on the analysis, we can draw the following SWOT matrix analysis: 1. Edge (1) is the world's second Ford cars and trucks large and small manufacturers. (2) In 1988, Ford reached the highest level of income (5.3 billion U.S. dollars, or 10.96 U.S. dollars per share), is the highest among all the car companies. (3) Ford's mass production capacity to reach the economies of scale. (4) Ford very well balanced business portfolio, its financial services and diversification of products to sales of motor vehicles subject to any downward trend. (5) Ford, the implementation of vertical integration strategy, groups such as the Ford glass company in North America, Ford's cars and trucks all the glass used, Ford Credit Corporation in 1988 to 1.6 million vehicles and the provision of funds for distributors and the public provision of credit consumers. (6) Ford successful joint ventures with foreign companies to diversify products, upgrade technology and improve product quality. (7) with the Mazda and Nissan co-operation, Ford reduced costs and improved quality. (8) the majority of Ford's product design and production with a computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). 2. Disadvantage (1) compared with Japanese competitors, Ford and expanding the use of income spent on the pension, compensation, benefits and so on. (2) Ford has not used in the production of all the high-tech robots and other technology. (3) Ford have to export products to meet the Government's requirements, not technically able to 27.5 miles per gallon fuel efficiency standards. Legally, local production of motor vehicles 75% less than the imported products are considered. 3. The opportunity to (1) In Japan there is a manufacturing facility. (2) the production and distribution of motor vehicles has reduced costs, known as Project Alpha. (3) in order to comply with the proposal to clean up the air and the production of alternative fuel vehicles. (4) in the re-establishment of the quality of the product benefit, "quality first." (5) with the overall efforts of technology and of joint ventures to achieve the best quality. (6) European economic unity so that the potential of increasing global market. 4. The threat of (1) imported cars hold a great deal of market share. (2) automobile industry sales slow (3) the Japanese yen and U.S. dollar exchange rate (4) Japan's manufacturers to enter the luxury car market (5) increasing government restrictions (6) U.S. economic slowdown or possible recession.


