

不銹鋼不容易生銹與不銹鋼的成分有很大的關(guān)系。不銹鋼的成分中除了鐵外,還有鉻、鎳、鋁、硅等。一般的不銹鋼含鉻量一般不低于12%,高的甚至達到18%.(我們所使用的316鋼管中鉻的含量應(yīng)該在16%-18%)鋼中加入鉻等元素后,就能改變鋼的性能,如例鋼的分子結(jié)構(gòu)更均勻,在鋼的表面更易生成一層致密的氧化物保護膜等,從而大大提高不銹鋼耐腐蝕的能力。所以不銹鋼能抵抗火、水、酸、堿和各種溶液對它的腐蝕,不生銹??茖W(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn),鋼的內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)越均勻,各種組成成分就聯(lián)系得越緊密,腐蝕物入侵就越困難,再加上表面又附著一層氧化物保護膜,就像給鋼鐵穿上盔甲一樣,自然就不容易生銹了。 不銹鋼為什么也生銹? 當(dāng)不銹鋼管表面出現(xiàn)褐色銹斑(點)的時候,人們大感驚奇:認為 “不銹鋼是不生銹的,生銹就不是不銹鋼了,可能是鋼質(zhì)出現(xiàn)了問題”。 其實,這是對不銹鋼缺乏了解的一種片面的錯誤看法。不銹鋼在一定的 條件下也會生銹的。 不銹鋼具有抵抗大氣氧化的能力---即不銹性,同時也具有在含酸、堿、鹽的介質(zhì)中乃腐蝕的能力---即耐蝕性。但其抗腐蝕能力的大小是 隨其鋼質(zhì)本身化學(xué)組成、加互狀態(tài)、使用條件及環(huán)境介質(zhì)類型而改變的。 如304鋼管,在干燥清潔的大氣中,有絕對優(yōu)良的抗銹蝕能力,但將它移到海濱地區(qū),在含有大量鹽份的海霧中,很快就會生銹了;而316鋼管則表現(xiàn)良好。因此,不是任何一種不銹鋼,在任何環(huán)境下都能耐腐蝕, 不生銹的。 不銹鋼是靠其表面形成的一層極薄而堅固細密的穩(wěn)定的富鉻氧化膜(防護膜),防止氧原子的繼續(xù)滲入、繼續(xù)氧化,而獲得抗銹蝕的能力。一旦有某種原因,這種薄膜遭到了不斷地破壞,空氣或液體中氧原 子就會不斷滲入或金屬中鐵原子不斷地析離出來,形成疏松的氧化鐵,金 屬表面也就受到不斷地銹蝕。這種表面膜受到破壞的形式很多,日常生 活中多見的有如下幾種: 1.不銹鋼表面存積著含有其他金屬元素的粉塵或異類金屬顆粒的附 著物,在潮濕的空氣中,附著物與不銹鋼間的冷凝水,將二者連成一個微電池,引發(fā)了電化學(xué)反應(yīng),保護膜受到破壞,稱之謂電化學(xué)腐蝕。 2.不銹鋼表面粘附有機物汁液(如瓜菜、面湯、痰等),在有水氧 情況下,構(gòu)成有機酸,長時間則有機酸對金屬表面的腐蝕。 3.不銹鋼表面粘附含有酸、堿、鹽類物質(zhì)(如裝修墻壁的堿水、石 灰水噴濺),引起局部腐蝕。 4.在有污染的空氣中(如含有大量硫化物、氧化碳、氧化氮的大氣 ),遇冷凝水,形成硫酸、硝酸、醋酸液點,引起化學(xué)腐蝕。
提問者:網(wǎng)友 2017-02-25
The stainless steel is not easy to rust has the very big relations with the stainless steel ingredient. In stainless steel ingredient besides iron, but also has the chromium, the nickel, the aluminum, the silicon and so on. The common stainless steel chromic quantity is not lower than 12% generally, high even achieves 18%. (we use in 316 steel pipes chromium content should after 16%-18%) the steel joins elements and so on chromium, can change the steel the performance, like the example steels molecular structure is evener, produces compact oxide compound protective film in the steel superficial change and so on, thus sharpens the stainless steel anti-corrosive ability greatly. Therefore the stainless steel can arrive at the fire resistance, the water, the acid, the alkali and each kind of solution to its corrosion, is not rusty. The scientist discovered that the steel internal structure is evener, each kind of component relates closely, the corrosive substance invasion is more difficult, in addition the surface adheres to stick cohere oxide compound protective film, looks like to the steel and iron puts on the helmet and armor to be the same, was not naturally easy to rust. Why does the stainless steel also rust? When the stainless steel tube-surface presents the brown rusty stain (spot) time, the people big feeling is surprised: Thought that “the stainless steel does not rust, rusted is not the stainless steel, possibly was the steel had the problem”. Actually, this is lacks the understanding to the stainless steel one one-sided wrong view. The stainless steel will also rust under certain condition. The stainless steel has the resistance air oxidation ability---Namely the rustless property, simultaneously also has in contains the acid, the alkali, in the salty medium is corrosion ability---Namely corrosion resistance. But its corrosion resistance abilitys size is along with its steel itself chemical composition, the Canadian mutually condition, the exploitation conditions and the ambient medium type changes. If 304 steel pipes, in the dry clean atmosphere, have absolutely the fine anti-corrosion ability, but transfers to it the seashore area, in includes in the massive salty share sea fog, very quick will rust; But 316 steel pipe good behavior. Therefore, is not any kind of stainless steel, the ability corrodes under any environment, does not rust. The stainless steel is one which forms depending on its surface is extremely thin and the firm close stable rich chromium oxide film (protective layer), prevents the oxygen atom to continue permeating, to continue to oxidize, but obtains the anti-corrosion ability. Once has some kind of reason, this kind of thin film encountered destroyed unceasingly, in the air either the liquid the oxygen atom unceasingly will permeate or in the metal the hard atom separation comes out, to form the loose ferric oxide unceasingly, the metal surface also receives rusts away unceasingly. This kind of surface film receives the destruction the form to be many, in the daily life sees has the following several kinds: 1. the stainless steel surface stores is including other of metallic element dust or the different races metal pellet attachment, in the moist air, condensed water between the attachment and the stainless steel, the two Lian Cheng a microcell, initiated the electrochemistry response, the protective film has received the destruction, said that it said the electrochemistry corrosion. 2.the stainless steel surface adherency organic matter juice (for example melons vegetables, hot water, phlegm and so on), in have in the water oxygen situation, constitution organic acid, long time organic acid to metal surface corrosion. 3. the stainless steel surface adherency includes the acid, the alkali, the salts material (for example repair wall lye, limewater splattering), causes the localized corrosion 4.In has in the pollution air (for example to include massive sulfide, oxidized carbon, nitrogen oxide atmosphere), meets the condensed water, forms the sulfuric acid, the nitric acid, the acetic acid fluid spot, causes the chemical etching.


